Don’t have a travel credit card yet? it’s time to consider getting one. Paying with a travel credit card is a smart way to manage your finances on your overseas holiday.
Carrying cash can be risky, and travel credit cards offer plenty of perks that make them an attractive option for travellers. Travel credit cards, such as CIMB’s Travel Credit Cards, come with great perks such as:
- Travel Insurance
- Access to airport lounges
- Extra points on overseas spend
- Hotel membership and merchant discounts
- And of course handy in case of emergencies
When selecting a travel credit card, look for one with no foreign transaction fees. That way, you will not be charged additional fees for using your card overseas.
It’s also advisable to pay for purchases in the local currency to get the most favourable exchange rates.
Some debit cards, such as CIMB’s, offer promotions on overseas spending as well, which you can use to save money on processing fees and get the most current exchange rates.