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Terms of Access






This Website is operated and maintained, and the Content (as defined below) are provided by CIMB Bank Berhad [197201001799 (13491-P)] ("we", "us" or "our") and our third party vendors. This page sets out the terms of access and use of this Website. By (i) accessing this Website and any of its pages and/or (ii) using any of the information on the Website, you are agreeing to these Terms of Access.


These Terms of Access must be read in conjunction with any instructional material in relation to your subscription, use of the facilities, products and services granted or provided by CIMB Bank, CIMB Islamic Bank and/or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates and business partners (including any future facilities, products and services you may obtain from CIMB Bank, CIMB Islamic Bank and/or any of their subsidiaries, affiliates and business partners) and other terms and conditions or any agreements which govern such facilities, products and services. If there is any conflict between these Terms of Access and the terms and conditions of such agreements, the latter will prevail. 


Please direct any questions which you may have concerning these Terms of Access to our Customer Resolution Unit:


Customer Resolution Unit (CRU)

P.O. Box 10338

GPO Kuala Lumpur

50710 Wilayah Persekutuan


Tel: +603 6204 7788



Your Conduct


You agree that when you access and use the Website, you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and you will not at any time attempt to (or assist any other person to) transmit any material (including any graphic, text, script, music, sound, photograph, image, art, video and other multimedia work or any combination of the same) ("Your Material"), through this Website:


(i) which is abusive or defamatory or infringes another person's rights;

(ii) the transmission of which would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability;

(iii) which encourages racism, promotes hatred, contains pornography or promotes or encourages pedophilia;

(iv) which contains any viruses or other malicious code; and/or

(v) which is otherwise objectionable on the grounds of public morals and decency.


You also agree not to hack into or attempt to gain unauthorised access to this Website, disrupt the security of this Website's resources, provide information which is inaccurate or false, or otherwise misuse this Website. If at any time you discover or suspect that any of these activities has taken place, please notify us immediately.


We may but are not obliged to continuously monitor or review your access to this Website. If we know or have reason to believe (i) that there has been any unauthorised access to, or misuse of the Website, or (ii) that any fraud, criminal offence or violation of any law or regulation has been or will be committed in connection with the Website (in each case, a "Misuse or Exploitation"), we may (i) block or suspend your access to this Website immediately (without assigning any reasons or giving you prior notice) and (ii) report the Misuse or Exploitation to any relevant authorities (which includes but is not limited to Bank Negara Malaysia, the Royal Malaysian Police, the Government of Malaysia or any other statutory or governmental authorities to whom CIMB Bank and or CIMB Islamic Bank are required to make disclosures or who have jurisdiction over CIMB Bank and or CIMB Islamic Bank). We reserve the right to edit or delete Your Material which violates any of the provisions in these Terms of Access (i) without notice to you and (ii) without incurring any liability to you.


Intellectual Property Rights


You acknowledge that any material (including any graphic, text, script, music, sound, photograph, image, art, video and other multimedia work or any combination of the same) (the "Content") available on our Website is at all times protected by copyright, any other applicable intellectual property or proprietary rights, owned exclusively by us or the relevant third party vendor (as applicable).


While you may download one (1) copy of the Content for your personal and non-commercial use (subject to you maintaining all relevant copyright and proprietary notices contained therein intact), you agree that the Content on the Website may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted (in any form or by any means), published, adapted, stored, distributed, displayed, licensed, modified, censored, or used in any manner without our prior express consent. You will not insert a hyperlink to this Website or "mirror" or frame the same or any portion of the same on any other websites or servers.


All rights in the Website and Content are at all times expressly reserved by us.




While your access to this Website is currently provided free of charge, you agree that we retain the right to levy a charge for such access upon giving prior notice of the same.


Confidential Information


It is our policy to respect the privacy of any information disclosed by you in connection with your access to this Website ("Confidential Information"). Accordingly, we will neither edit nor disclose your Confidential Information unless we are required to do so in accordance with any laws or regulations, to protect our rights and property, to enforce any provision in these Terms of Access, to respond to any claim that any Content or Your Material violates the rights of another person, or as provided for in any terms and conditions governing such facilities, products and services taken up by you, which provide for the disclosure of your Confidential Information.


We may from time to time disclose your Confidential Information (only in aggregate or demographic form) to our third party vendors, advertisers, affiliates or other relevant parties for their records. Further information on how we value your privacy and strive to safeguard your Confidential Information in compliance with the laws of Malaysia, is provided for in the CIMB Group Privacy Policy.


Privacy Clause


By accessing the Website, you have irrevocably agreed to be bound by the CIMB Group Privacy Policy and these Terms of Access as it may relate to the processing of your personal information. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CIMB GROUP PRIVACY POLICY IN ADDITION TO THESE TERMS OF ACCESS BEFORE CONTINUING TO ACCESS THE WEBSITE. For the avoidance of doubt, you agree that such Privacy Policy will be deemed to be incorporated by reference into these Terms of Access.


If you provide personal and financial information relating to third parties, (including information relating to your next-of-kin and dependents), for the purpose of opening or operating your accounts or facilities with us or otherwise subscribing to our products and services, you (a) confirm that you have obtained the consent of such third parties or are otherwise entitled to provide this information to us for use in accordance with these Terms of Access; (b) agree to ensure that the personal and financial information of such third parties is accurate; (c) agree to update us in writing if there are any material changes to such personal and financial information; and (d) agree that we may terminate your access to the Website and/or use of any of our services, should such consent be withdrawn by any of such third parties.


If you instruct us to effect any sort of cross-border transaction (including to make or receive payments), the details relevant to the cross-border transaction (including information relating to those involved in such transaction) may be received from or sent abroad, where they may be accessible (whether directly or indirectly) to overseas regulators and authorities (e.g. for the prevention of crime). In instructing us and/or our agents to enter into any cross-border transaction on your behalf, you agree to such disclosures on behalf of yourself and others involved in such cross-border transaction.


We may at any time and from time to time, carry out the necessary reference checks including but not limited to credit reporting/reference checks with (i) credit reporting/reference agencies (including but not limited to the Central Credit Reference Information System or Financial Information Sdn. Bhd.); (ii) with any other agencies and/or (iii) with any financial institution, to enable us to ascertain your status or to help us make any decisions, for example when we need to (a) check details in applications for credit and credit-related services or other facilities; (b) manage credit and credit-related accounts or facilities, including conducting reviews of your portfolios; (c) recover debts and/or for any purpose relating to the account/facility under this agreement. You will be linked by credit reporting/reference agencies to any other names you use or have used, and any joint and several applicants. You agree that we may also share information about you and how you manage your accounts/facilities with relevant credit reporting/reference agencies, and for any of these credit reporting/reference agencies to disclose your credit information to its subscribers for purposes of fraud detection and fraud prevention.


You will at any time have the option to withdraw any consent given earlier. In such instances, we will have the right to refuse to provide, or to discontinue the provision of any product, service, account and/or facility that is/are linked with such information, by giving you at least 3 business days' prior written notice.


We reserve the right to amend this privacy clause from time to time with at least twenty-one (21) calendar days' prior written notice to you. We may place notice of such amendments on our websites, at our banking halls or at prominent locations within our branches.


For the purposes of this privacy clause, the CIMB Group consists of CIMB Group Holdings Berhad and all its related companies (as defined in Section 7 of the Companies Act 2016) and jointly controlled companies that provide financial and other regulated services, excluding companies, branches, offices and other forms of presence operating outside Malaysia. The words "us", "we" and "our" when used in this privacy clause are to be read as references to the CIMB Group.


This clause is without prejudice to any other clause in these Terms and Conditions which provides for the disclosure of information.


Hyperlinks to Third Parties


There may be instances when hyperlinks to third parties' websites (including hyperlinks to the websites of any regulatory authorities such as Bank Negara Malaysia) are included on this Website. These hyperlinks are provided for your reference only, and this does not mean that we endorse or sanction such websites in any way. Your use of any such hyperlinks to third parties' websites and use of any of the information or materials available on such third parties' websites will at all times be governed by the terms of use of such third parties and any other relevant policies or conditions that such third parties may impose.


We will therefore not be responsible or liable for (a) your access to and use of such websites; (b) any services, information or materials available on such websites or your use of the same; or (c) any transaction, transmission or communication between you and such third parties.




All Content available on this Website are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Such Content is strictly meant for your reference and information only, and may not, at any time, be construed as being provided for any business or commercial purposes or to constitute an offer or solicitation and/or the giving of advice in respect of investment, financial or banking services by us and/or any of our subsidiaries, affiliates and business partners. You are therefore advised to obtain independent professional advice at all times and independently verify such Content before making any decisions based on such Content.


While we will use our best efforts to ensure that the Content on this Website is, as far as possible, accurate, complete, current and true, you acknowledge and agree that certain Content transmitted or made available through the Website may be provided by third parties. We therefore expressly disclaim all liability for any errors, omissions or inadequacies in such Content. Further, we give no warranty of any kind, whether express or implied (including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or freedom from malware) in relation to any Content on this Website. We also do not warrant that this Website and the Content will meet your requirements, be uninterrupted, timely or secure.


You are solely responsible for making your own assessment when accessing and using this Website and the Content, and you acknowledge and accept all inherent risks associated in accessing and using this Website and the Content over the internet.


We will not, at any time, be liable to you or any other person for any damage or loss whatsoever suffered or arising from any interruption to or unavailability of (i) this Website and/or the Content, and/or (ii) your access to and use of the same for any reason, other than (i) a failure in our systems where such failure is due to our grossly negligent act or omission, or where we had been duly informed of the possibility of such failure in sufficient time to prevent the same; or (ii) from any delay or error in any transmission or communication due to our grossly negligent act or omission pertaining to your access and use of this Website and/or the Content.




If we fail or neglect to enforce any provision or remedy under these Terms of Access for any reason, we will not be construed as having waived our rights to enforce the same or as having waived our rights in relation to any continuing or subsequent breach of the same or any other provision in these Terms of Access.




We reserve the right to modify this Website and the Content in any manner at any time.


Governing Law & Jurisdiction


Notwithstanding the place or places from which you gain or attempt to gain access to this Website, you agree that these Terms of Access, your access to this Website and use of the Content and any differences or disputes arising in relation to such access or use will, at all times, be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia. You agree to submit and be bound by the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Malaysia.

The performance of our obligations under these Terms of Access is subject always to all applicable laws and regulations. Nothing contained in these Terms of Access diminishes our rights to act so as to comply with and conform to any governmental requests or legal requirements relating to access to this Website, or relating to any Content provided to you or acquired by us for your use.


You agree that a printed version of these Terms of Access and of any communication given in electronic form will be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings relating to these Terms of Access, to the same extent as though these Terms of Access or communication had been issued in printed form.


Copyright 2022

CIMB Bank Berhad [197201001799 (13491-P)]