At the beginning of the plot, the players were told that they can win millions of dollars, by just playing a series of simple games. Sounds too good to be true? That’s because it is! The catch is that if they lose, they’ll lose their lives too. None of the players were told upfront about the (literally) deadly price to pay, until they realised too late what was really happening.
Similarly, in life, when someone offers you a reward too easily, or a deal that sounds too good to be true, you may only realise that there’s a catch when it’s too late to back out.
Be super wary of fishy emails, phone calls and messages too – because these might be scammers luring you into their scams! With many new sophisticated scam tactics nowadays, many people have fallen prey without even realising it. So as much as we love rewards and perks, always stay sharp – it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Don’t be so hasty by a job offer or a career move that you’re not 100% certain too. Do more research and find out the company’s culture, job expectations and salary range before you commit to something that you might regret later on.