Insurance or takaful may not be on your priority list right now, but we’re here to change your mind. Insurance/takaful protects you against the unforeseen and serves as a financial safety net as you step into adulthood and become self-sufficient.
You may also think that the premiums/contributions will take up most of your paycheck – but that’s not necessarily true. You can start by going online to find the type of insurance/takaful you need or speak to your colleagues and family members who can offer valuable insight.
Once you have a better idea of your needs, you may find an affordable policy/certificate that offers good coverage and benefits your current lifestyle. Also, young and healthy usually equal cheaper premiums/contributions – so get started now!
Nifty insurance/takaful tips:
Malaysia has plenty of insurance and takaful options, and some companies offer budget-friendly options online too – all you need to do is find one that suits your needs and budget. Compared to making your purchase through an agent, online insurances and takaful may give you better value with cheaper premium/contribution (can be from as low as RM50 per month!). For example, Sun Cover-i offers benefits from just RM15 a month.
Even better, you can take your time to go through the offerings of online insurance/takaful without insurance/takaful agents putting pressure on your decision. Remember, you can always review and increase your insurance/takaful coverage later on once you are more financially stable.